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Affirming God’s Presence In The Context of Globalization

Since the 1980s, the word “globalization” has been used frequently. But the Silk Road is where the origins of economic globalization may be found. The network of commercial routes, which was established in 130 B.C., allowed China to begin trading with Europe and the Middle East. The eventual emergence of a global economy would be made possible by the movement of
people, goods, capital, and knowledge.

With the introduction of the gold standard in the early 1800s, the first wave of modem globalization got underway. Technology advancements and international trade were brought forth by centuries of European colonisation, yet there was no global price convergence. The first international standard currency was created when England tied its currency to specified amounts of gold, which enabled trade and investment.

However, World War-1I would seriously sour relations between nations. Midway through the 1940s, the United States tried to revive trade by setting new guidelines. A second wave of globalization that is still occurring now was sparked by this.

As you can see, the globalization process has had a significant impact on how the modern world has evolved The interconnection of the world’s economies is referred to as globalization. Technology, cross-border trade in goods and services, and the movement of capital, people, and information all contribute to its development. Globalization opens up access to resources, labor, and capital for business. For instance, a vehicle manufacturer might design a car in Japan, manufacture the parts in India, and assemble the car in Mexico.

Through a process called localization, businesses modify the products to better suit the demands and preferences of regional customers. Consider localization as a component of a larger plan of globalization.

In their book ‘Churning the Earth: The Making of Global India’ Aseem Srivastavaa and Abhishek Kothari says that contemporary globalization is rooted in the world of business trade, finance, media, and technology. It originated in the West and was embraced by Indian and other ruling elites. It has far-reaching effects on both Indian society and societies worldwide. Today, globalization is a clear prescription for a way of life, not merely a certain arrangement of economic affairs. At its core, this way of life is driven by the elite of the world’s relentless ambition for power and dominance.

As they mention; the country’s natural environment and the communities that rely directly on nature for their subsistence and livelihood, have both been negatively impacted by the current phase of globalization. As a result of it, we are currently experiencing an unavoidable effect of globalization; forests, wetlands, grasslands, coasts, and marine areas are facing serious threats. Along with this many crises, such as food insecurity, water scarcity, a lack of fuel supply, and dislocation of
livelihoods with few alternative options have turned words It is also to be noted that countless species of plants and animals are being driven to the brink of extinction as their habitats are devoured by the same land-grab process. Globalization in particular and development in general have both made significant contributions to these challenges. Fields, pastures, forests, wetlands, Lptterinn}

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